Wisdom and knowledge matter
Wisdom and knowledge matter
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
“I'm still discovering, right up to this moment, that it is only by living completely in this world that one learns to have faith. I mean living unreservedly in life's duties, problems, successes and failures, experiences and perplexities. In so doing, we throw ourselves completely into the arms of God.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will take a stand for me against evildoers? Ps 94:16
Biographer Eric Metaxis writes that "Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an orthodox Christian who, at a grave historical moment during WWII, rejected what he called ‘cheap grace’—belief without bold and sacrificial action. Metaxas reminds us that there are forms of religion—respectable, domesticated, timid—that may end up doing the devil’s work for him. " That is exactly where many Western churches are today. And thus, it is where many Christians are being unwittingly led.
If today, we in our Churches and our daily work (incl. jobs), are not alert to the enemy and unwaveringly aligning the world with the Word, it is hard to imagine "running the race" victoriously, or being salt and light in the world. Inattentiveness to the enemy’s deceptions, permits evil and may ensnare us in it, just as the German countrymen that Bonhoeffer admonished for their consent and complicity with the Nazis.
The Church and God's people are under attack from many fronts. In this hour, we can clearly see Big Pharma’s grip on world leaders, the COVID narrative, our health, our families, our Churches, our Country, and, of course, the promise of human "salvation" through vaccination. In far greater ways than one might imagine, Big Pharma rules the world. It is the major force behind the orchestrated COVID pandemic events, the contact tracing surveillance, the economic catastrophe, the medical kidnapping by the state, the mandatory global vaccination program, the evil new RNA vaccine technology, the face masks, the digital marking of our bodies (e.g., Rev 13:16-17), the bondage and harm that usually comes from pharmakia, and much more. Their false salvation is disguise for slavery and slaughter.
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Do we have men who are “in the fray”? Confronting culture? Paying attention? Protecting the Church? Ones leading in the ways described in 1Cor 14, Nehemiah, Deuteronomy 23:1, and throughout Scripture? As Christ is our example, being "in the fray" is what he embodied. It's what got him killed. It's what made him unpopular.
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
If you know anything about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, ANTIFA today is exactly the same now as Hitler’s ANTIFA - down to their flag and symbol and motives and tactics. Is this moment OUR Krytallnacht? Broken glass, riots, division, counterfeit racial hatred, and chaos...in order to conquer a peoples? Are believers aware and discerning enough to do more than pray and die? What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? (James 2). Bonhoeffer marked Ps74:8 in his Bible on Krystalnacht.: They said to themselves, “We will utterly subdue them”
We have a virus that’s genetically engineered, a pandemic response that was engineered and planned for decades and a vaccine program that the powers of this dark world DO NOT WANT YOU to have a choice in. Not all of our young people know Bill Gates the eugenicist. It's not that he wasn't loud enough articulating it. Not all know the well defined and very public plan to depopulate and re-engineer the world without God and churches. That's a stated UN goal and it's even written in stone -- literally. Maybe the people don't know it's real because the appointed leaders in our churches don’t know. I have even talked to some who don't care to know.
Martin Luther famously said, “If I profess with loudest voice and clearest exposition every portion of the truth of God except that little point which the world and the Devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christ. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved, and to be steady on all the battlefield besides, is mere flight and disgrace if he flinches at that point.”
Do we recognize when we are at that point?
Paul said to the Ephesian elders, "Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood" (Acts 20:28) I believe that churches and seminaries have not been effective protecting the whole of the Word, nor the followers under their care. The enemy must be pleased with the desolate teaching that would allow such consistent absence of relevance and application of the Living Word.
For a number of years I have watched the preaching and teaching in many churches including my own, err, mislead, and commit harm by increasingly ignoring and straying further from reality, scripture and truth generally. The deterioration of truth has been through the increasing influence of the world and human tradition on seminaries, pastors, and most Christians; likewise from a misunderstanding, naivete. and unawareness of deception and evil.
Galatians 6:7a says, "Be not deceived." The secular corollary to which is:
“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.” - Plato
(Deception > Bondage > Slavery > Death)
Churches ignore many parts of the Bible, such as the commands in 1Corinthians 14. That chapter defines how a Church should work, but, how ironically, it has been all but ripped out of the pew Bibles of our Churches. God’s idea of “body”, described so practically in 1Corinthians 12, is seldom respected. The notion of prophets has been utterly rejected. Can you imagine starting meetings at your church with the insight of prophets (v 29 below)? That was discarded long ago. Through arrogance and fear, error persists. The glue that holds together Chapters 12 and 14 is the divinely prescribed process of listening and really loving in 1Corinthian 13. But this has also vanished - just as it has in American society as a whole. We live for ourselves, huddle together with other Christians, chase and spend money, and don't have to listen to or care about others. Almost the entire story of Jesus daily life can be reduced to "a man searching for people with questions, problems and needs and feeding them - emotionally, physically and spiritually".
Deviating from so much of the Bible, starting with 1Corinthians 12 > 13> 14 alone, is perhaps the most insidious way that the Church has become increasingly unaccountable and widely asleep, inert, and deceived. Just like society outside the walls, churches have perilously allowed - and taught - to be infants, perceiving change and challenge as divisive instead of basic, necessary, healthy and biblical. The corruption began long ago but is perpetuated by the insular mind of a rigid establishment. Over a thousand years ago, Western church tradition began reducing the form of meeting and worship to a ritual, with a single, constant teacher physically and psychologically elevated to a prestigious. functionally detached and unaccountable position in the presence of crowds. The way our churches are working is very different than the way Jesus and the disciples taught groups and patterned interaction with people. 1Corinthians 14 died. Along with it, discipleship died. A few churches in the West and many churches in persecuted regions of the world defy this human tradition and follow the advice of Scripture.
29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said. 30 If a revelation is made to another sitting there, let the first be silent. 31 For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged, 32 and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. 33 For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.
The establishment “medical” system is one "human tradition" that has “set up”, deceived, attacked, and become an idol - literally killing and enslaving believers to a degree very few could imagine; especially those in the profession. Pharmaceutical-based medicine (Big Pharma) is especially relevant during this hour of “COVID”. Here is an astonishing and representative example.
In healthcare, those on the front lines of caring for the sick, particularly nurses, pour out there hearts and energies to heal and console. Yet this takes place within a system so obviously broken that few cannot see there is a problem. There is vast evidence, if one cares to see it, that the industry is based on greed, scientific fraud, and compartmentalized exploitation. There are alternatives. Christians employed by the heathcare industry or not, must exercise extreme caution and discernment in their participation in this system that we all are affected by in some way - as employees, as patients, as stockholders, as industry beneficiaries, as leaders, as parents, and as awake believers. However, we must never confuse the actions and plans of the powers of darkness that control modern pharmaceutical medicine with the servants and business people trying to honorably serve the profession. Though that does not exempt them from responsibility for knowledge, wisdom, discernment, actions/personal response, and accountability.
In the spirit of 1Cor14:29-32, here is something to consider:
In 1938, the Nazi terror raid called Kristallnacht radically altered Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s life. Bonhoeffer is legendary for his theology and Christian teaching, but notably AFTER he pivoted 180 degrees from a life steeped in pietistic tradition. Bonhoeffers epiphany changed him from a spiritually academic, pietistic faith, to a courageous, unselfish, truthful, Church-protecting, bold, culture-confronting, practical faith-- for which he was ultimately killed. Bonhoeffer moved back from the USA to Germany to explicitly expose and Biblically interpret the rising Nazi power and confront his people and the Christian Church at-large. He rebuked Christians for their consent and complicity toward the Nazis. Today, he would surely be accused of being “divisive” by the Church. Bonhoeffer stood to fully and practically use the Word for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.
Are Christians in this year 2020 having our Kristallnacht... our awakening? If HRC were President, this would be the point at which global genocide would begin in earnest (its already been going on for a long time; you just didn’t notice because it was called other things). The globalists promise 94% population reduction. The new vaccine is novel and astonishingly evil. There are numerous ways Christians are in danger from "the rulers, authorities, cosmic powers, this present darkness, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places". And about this danger, there is much naivete and silence in churches.
Many believers will not see because they are inattentive. After all, this is the information age. But it's their information - lacking truth and virtue. Minds are brainwashed by entertainment, enslaved by electronics, and stupified by "bread-and-circus". So when it counts, people "don’t know and don’t care". That suits the enemy well. Some use God’s sovereignty as an excuse. Or they state their belief that the the rapture is imminent as a reason not to think -- or do. (Never mind that about that time not even the Son will know) That kind of inattention is sheer blindness, laziness, and errant application of the Word. It rejects our mind and our work - our natural and supernatural purpose in physical life. It is the same problem that has adversely impacted mission and emasculated men in Western "civilization". The crisis now is that Christian men are inattentive and reluctant leaders anywhere (family, church, public square)... missing in action, and utterly consumed in money and the material world. Should it be a surprise that your congregation is inert, confused, worldly, and resigned to die if your church is pre-occupied with end times instead of the enemy at your feet -- this moment?
In the bio-pic “Tortured for Christ”, Richard Wurmbrand recognized the Ceausescu regime’s threat to the Church in Romania. He stood up. He spoke truth. He warned. He was mercilessly persecuted.
A church I previously attended promoted the viewing of that movie, yet it seemed to do no good during a fairly similar situation.
Not all of us are called to defy powerful leaders as Wurmbrand did, but some who have stood up today have been persecuted and even murdered. (References:
❖ PERSECUTION: Whistelblower who tried to warn the world about COVID but was reprimanded by Wuhan police and then died.
❖ PERSECUTION: Phase 1 in persecution of the Christians is vandalization & desecration of religious symbols & churches: Unprecedented Evil: Mother Mary Statue Burned at Boston Parish – Mary Statue Vandalized in NY City
❖ PERSECUTION: Lies used to persecute you for doubting. NBC Guest Doctor Who Was Suffering from Coronavirus in Hospital in TV Interviews — NEVER HAD CORONAVIRUS
❖ DEATH: The #BlackLivesMatter Kill List: At Least 11 Cops Shot Dead – 9 More Wounded By #BLM Supporters
Believers discuss and admire great, godly, and obedient leaders of the past (like missionaries & Bible characters), but seem to ignore their relevance to our age. How were so many believers all over this country not able to parse all the component events premised on “COVID”? Why aren’t churches seeking truth and application from it? Why does Christian radio's discussion of quarantine and church closure sound just like non-Christian radio (or worse)? Why were church leaders so quick to submit to the state and so unable (or slow) to react to the spiritual attacks? Does anyone remember why America was fundamentally established? And then, as if nothing happened, Christians just obediently resume “church”. Maybe this sad situation should tell us that the "church" we blindly wish to resume was, all along, a canned ritual/ presentation/ performance -- light on scripture. Why couldn’t churches pull together in whatever way possible and use the voices in the body to parse, teach and disciple according to that which God gave us right then? Young people in one Bible study my grown children participated in, failed to even begin a discussion because most either responded by saying they just do what they are told while others called it merely "political". We find ourselves in an age of grand spiritual warfare. Yet even a frontal attack on Christians and the Church is interpreted as mere politics. And those who spoke out were publicly castigated, mocked and shunned. The group is now hurt and divided. The 3 church bodies connected to the study, of course, did nothing.
There are evil people and plans directed squarely at believers, our society, our culture, the Church, and its church bodies. Are we just randomly reacting like gentiles when the Church and our own churches in America and beyond were threatened, attacked, and closed down? And as a mass of people were tricked and subjugated through medical martial law just to dignify (and bow down to) the literally satanic globalists (satan-worshipping puppets and their puppetmasters, the authorities & powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil)? Some people have called the ubiquitous masks "training burkas". Take from that what you may. Science has confirmed that the masks are a sham in all but a minimum of situations, don't protect, and decrease blood oxygen significantly. One study showed N95 masks are life-threatening to those with renal disease. Does anyone see what the masks are really about? It worked (because we didn't).
Francis Chan once presented a sermon that exorted his people to stop praying. "What?!" you'd say. He wanted believers to stop praying and stop scurrying about long enough to be aware of those people and opportunities God already placed around them and to feel the full burden of our call to Kingdom work. Ravenhill speaks similarly about revival when he asks where are the intercessors in our prayer. Great feats by great men in Scripture combine obedience, faith and prayer.
" ...The church today is sadly lacking in discernment, and all too apathetic about the problem. " - John MacArthur
Today's inability (or unwillingness) to interpret and properly respond to current events, deceptions and threats by the enemy, is alarming because it suggests that Christians today may not understand the Great Commission and the enemy (nor fully recognize the meaning and significance of verses like Ephesians 6:12 in our own lives). Dr Michael Heiser, Bible translator and scholar:
[When we think of satan and the devil], ““the powers of darkness” label is the more accurate term for the range of supernatural beings hostile to God and his people (and humanity more broadly). Christians who avoid looking deeply into the powers of darkness”, Heiser says,” [would do so] only if they want to be theologically uninformed or misinformed. A solid grasp of what Scripture teaches about the powers of darkness helps us in both theological and practical ways. For example, the subject helps us to parse theodicy (God’s relationship to evil), the proliferation of depravity after the fall, where the biblical storyline of Israel versus the nations comes from, and how the work of Jesus address[es] not only the problem of the fall in Genesis 3 but each of three supernatural rebellions that has given us the chaotic world as it is today.” Here is a powerful talk by Dr Heiser at Grace Church, Rolla, MO
❖ I urge you to watch this lesson by Dr. Heiser here: click here.
Heiser continues, “Knowing what Scripture really teaches in these areas helps us detect and avoid false teaching about supernatural agents and allows us to correctly define spiritual warfare, aligning it squarely with the Great Commission (as opposed to a Hollywood-ish view of exorcisms and shouting at demons). I also know that it helps people emotionally and in their own growth as believers because it helps them to stop believing lies about their problems and God’s disposition toward them.”
A church I attended saw anything prophetic as odd or dangerous. It claimed to be faithful, but fear was pervasive. It payed no attention to current events and change, and pretended to be relevant. It called itself missional because it donates to missionaries, but it had no mission. It exposited no work (physical human action) from verses like 1Cor15:58 and Joshua1:7. It saw internal challenge as divisive instead of iron sharpening iron (to know, correct, and teach). It saw many of the spiritual conflicts listed on this website as merely temporal. It rejected object lessons useful for learning, scripture application, accountability, and unification. It saw any sort of “urge to clash” by believers as carnal. It saw work outside of witnessing as “political”. It saw truth-telling as a distraction from “accepted” paradigms and preconceived thought.
Let's remember why Jesus said that He came to cause division (Luke 12:51).
Events we are witnessing right now bear extraordinary spiritual significance. But churches are sleepwalking. Like it or not, today’s “healthcare” industry is centerstage during this COVID chaos. People in that industry need to stop and think deeply about their role in it. One nurse (here) described the iatrogenic death of many patients with COVID-19, but lamented that some medical staff (even realizing it was clearly murder by medicine) remained silent due to concern about job security. View that video here.
In my 40 year past in clinical medicine, lab research, Pharma ghost-writing for doctors, and life science marketing, I have seen many troubling things. I have done my best to avoid them and make career decisions that were not easy. One lesson learned is that science and technology are growing minefields of moral and Biblical conflict, and that Christians are unaware and uninterested in dealing with practical problems like these - which are really at the heart of our daily walk and witness in the pursuit of the Great Commission. Discussing moral conflicts and Truths like these with pastors and fellow believers has been a fruitless, perplexing, and disheartening experience. The extent of faith in idols and error is evidence that the enemy ("the world") has influenced believers more than God has (through Creation, the Word, church bodies, etc). Church leaders must realize the gravity and great consequence of this error, and wake up about it, look up, and face the enemy like Bonhoeffer ...and Jesus.
Preachers don't need to be experts on topics like science and technology to be relevant. There are resources like this site, common sense, group approaches, and the many congregations of people already equipped to contribute to solving this problem as commanded in 1Corinthians 14 and elsewhere.
Here are quotes and observations from some notables in science and medicine:
❖ “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research." Dr. Arnold S Relman, Harvard professor of medicine and former Editor-in-Chief of The New England Medical Journal, made this unambiguous statement about the practice of medicine in America.
❖ “If this [criminal influence] continues, we are not going to be able to publish any more clinical research data because pharmaceutical companies are so financially powerful; they are able to pressure us to accept papers that are apparently methodologically perfect, but their conclusion is what pharmaceutical companies want.” Dr. Richard Horton, Editor-in-chief of The Lancet medical journal.
❖ A Study by the Johns-Hopkins Medical Center reports that medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the United States
Ed note: And this is the establishment admission. The actual situation is far worse.
❖ It’s hardly newsworthy that medical science is distorted by money. But last week, a case arose that is so blatant, so extreme, and so suspiciously criminal that it should become a rallying point for all of us interested in reform. It involves the two best-respected medical journals in the world, and a finding that immediately affected the lives of thousands of [COVID-19] patients around the globe. Two papers purported to be derived from a large, worldwide database, but they were quietly withdrawn when the data was requested by outside reviewers, and none could be produced. Where is the outrage? - Josh Mitteldorf, Aging Matters
❖ "Life expectancy in the U.S. is rapidly falling behind that of other wealthy countries. Indeed, the particular decline among working-age adults has not been seen in other countries, and is a "distinctly American phenomenon" according to the study authors. (JAMA) (LiveScience)
❖ The British Medical Journal (BMJ) published an article titled, "Big pharma often commits corporate crime, and this must be stopped" and summarized that many crimes would be impossible to carry out if doctors weren’t willing to participate in them
❖ Using the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events", The Institute for Safe Medication Practices "calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.'” The report went on to say that this is “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.” (Jeanne Lenzer 2012: BMJ 2012;344:e3989 )
❖ “Brenda and David McDowell took 3 healthy, happy and engaged, 9-month-olds in for one single vaccine that day -- Pneumococcal. By the end of that day, all of the children had changed and were never the same again. They all became severely autistic. The shot was at 10:00 am. By noon, 2 hours later, Claire had completely shut off ... as if she was blind and deaf. She just stared at the ceiling. At 2:00 pm, Richie shut off. Before the end of the day, Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus ... he had a stunned look on his face. All the giggles, all the smiles, all the babbling stopped. All the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped. They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing. They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again.” (McDowells on Facebook )
❖ Cholesterol does not cause heart disease. Yet, Statin drugs are the most profitable and best selling pharmaceutical class in history. A study on 160,000 patients performed by the American Medical Association and published in the Archives of Internal Medicine demonstrated an astounding 48 percent increased risk of diabetes among women taking statin medications. One of the most common side effects of statins is muscle pain, soreness, and weakness and a dangerous condition called rhabdomyolysis, which is a breakdown of muscle tissue. The heart is a muscle. Statins directly impact the production of an enzyme called coenzyme Q10, which is crucial in maintaining our immune system [and heart] among other functions. Statins weaken the immune system by stimulating the production of cytokines, spurring inflammation and making it harder for the body to fight off disease and infection. Inflammation is what drives myocardial infarction. Cholesterol only makes up about 2 percent to 3 percent of our total body weight. But 25 percent of all of our cholesterol is found in our brain. Reducing the total amount of cholesterol to sometimes even dangerously low levels by using statins can be detrimental in keeping our brain working the right way. Not only that, but the use of statins has been associated with a whole host of neurological problems. It’s been shown to cause nerve damage, changes in memory, and even anxiety and depression. A sample of nearly 28,000 adults over an 11-year period, using a diverse group of both statin users and non-statin users. At the beginning of one study, statin users were actually eating less. But by the end, they were taking in almost 10 percent more calories and 14 percent more fat. Their BMI had also increased by triple the amount of the non-statin users. Another study looked at the relationship between statin use and exercise as well as mitochondrial activity. Mitochondria serve as your cells’ power generators, and are responsible for breaking down sugar and fat. The study found that exercising while on statins actually decreased the activity of the mitochondria (11). Heart function depends on healthy mitochondria. (Reference and recommendations)
❖ Twenty years ago, the criminal paradigm of pharmaceutical medicine was described by Marcia Angell and the situation has only accelerated since her writing: “it is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine”
❖ "Having been in the medical profession for forty years, I know of and have witnessed the gradual corruption of western medicine as it is progressively bathed in Darwinian reductionism (having thrown off its formerly Christian basis)...Unsurprisingly then, severe ethical breaches now occur regularly in the medical field. Abortion, eugenics and infanticide are well known. Doctors are now giving pre-teens “puberty blockers” in light of “gender confusion”. Surgeons physically alter genitalia for the same reason. Falsification of research and other data is commonplace (and is now in full bloom in the COVID 19 paradigm) and in many scientific papers, “lying by statistical analysis” is the norm." - from: A Brief COVID-19 Analysis and Its Implications for the Church--An Update and Biblical Analysis of the Response to the Pandemic by Daniel O’Roark, DO, FACC
❖ Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Challenges The Myths About AIDS. Renowned scientist casts doubt on HIV as the probable cause of AIDS. Furthermore, was HIV engineered and are global AIDS programs really funding corrupt governments? Well over a 100 Billion dollars has siphoned through the hands of individuals with scandalous histories with over $90 billion from the U.S. Government (taxpayers) alone, via PEPFAR.
❖ Dr Aseem Malhotra at a (UK) Public Health System collaboration conference at the Royal College of General Practitioners in London gave a moving presentation describing how "Evidence Based Medicine Has Been Hijacked". In it, he asserts that doctors and patients, nurses and pharmacists, are ill-informed. Why?
1. Biased funding of research favors profit over patient benefit
2. Biased reporting in medical journals
3. Biased patient information
4. Biased reporting in the media
5. Commercial conflicts of interest
6. Defensive medicine
7. Medical curricula that fail to teach vital topics
❖ From a 2005 article in the British Medical Journal (BMJ): “Seems like US flu death statistics are more PR than science. “…even the ideal influenza vaccine, matched perfectly to circulating strains of wild influenza and capable of stopping all influenza viruses, can only deal with a small part of the ‘flu’ problem because most ‘flu’ appears to have nothing to do with influenza. Every year, hundreds of thousands of respiratory specimens are tested across the US. Of those tested, on average 16% are found to be influenza positive.” “…It’s no wonder so many people feel that ‘flu shots’ don’t work: for most flus, they can’t.” Because most diagnosed cases of the flu aren’t the flu.”
❖ "The Greek word pharmakeia, is translated “witchcraft” here [in Galatians 5], right next to “idolatry.” I wonder why the translators did not think that the word [chemical] “medicines” was the proper translation? So herein lies the problem with “modern” medicine, which is not so modern after all. It all comes down to a matter of definition and use. Today, the word “medicine” is a [legally] regulated and carefully defined term to refer to only government-approved drugs, produced by the pharmaceutical industry. Natural substances found in nature, which are not produced by a pharmaceutical company, are not referred to as “medicine,” and most of the time to do so is to break the law and face arrest." -- Testimony of Brian Shilhavy, Editor and Founder of Health Impact News
❖ "During the measles outbreak in California in 2015, a large number of suspected cases occurred in recent vaccinees. Of the 194 measles virus sequences obtained in the United States in 2015, 73 were identified as vaccine sequences" Ed: In other words,the measles vaccine caused infection in 73 cases and was passed on by the vaccinated to others, causing the outbreak. (R. J. McNall, unpublished data)" (Original research report here)
❖ Dr. Kelly Brogan's "7 facts about depression that will blow you away":
1. Depression is often an inflammatory condition
2. Antidepressants have the potential to irreversibly disable the body’s natural healing mechanisms
3. The effect of antidepressants is not a cure
4. Most prescriptions for antidepressants are doled out by family doctors—not psychiatrists
5. Many physical conditions mimic psychiatric symptoms
6. Basic lifestyle interventions can facilitate the body’s powerful self-healing mechanisms to end depression
7. Depression is a message and opportunity
Ed. note: 1. More than any others, Christians should immediately recognize these as truth. 2. Antidepressants are highly addictive and harmful.
❖ "People are fed by the food industry, which pays no attention to health, and are treated by the health industry, which pays no attention to food." - Wendell Berry
❖ Scientists analyzed the microbiomes of more than 1,000 Belgians and found that those with depression had one surprising thing in common. They were completely missing two species of gut microbes: Coprococcus and Dialister. - The Neuroactive Potential of the Human Gut Microbiota in Quality of Life and Depression, Nat Microbiol 2019 Apr;4(4):623-632. doi: 10.1038/s41564-018-0337-x. Epub 2019 Feb 4.
❖ “The [COVID and COVID vaccine is part of] the bigger agenda, the global genetic modification of the human race, including but not limited to the foods we eat, the medicine we receive, and the way we interact with each other. Google seems to be spearheading the counterintelligence operation for the cult, which is both 1) disinformation by spreading Gates sponsored ‘trials’ and ‘news’ from makeshift ‘think tanks’ and ‘science research centers’ which are all controlled by the same organization, and 2) banning via direct algorithmic censorship any alternative to that narrative.” - Vaccines.News
From Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
So why should a church care about the corruption of medicine in the midst of tyranny premised on COVID?
The notion of "modern" healthcare (particularly chronic disease care) is an indicting and grave challenge for the Church. It should not take an existential crisis like the demonic, tyrannical plans premised on COVID, for anyone to question the practical and spiritual fraud of a "medical" system that now controls the world, profits from sickness, treats symptoms instead of diseases, calls God's cures "alternative and complementary", would lose customers if it really cured, enriches its own by stealing from the poor and sick (I think there’s something in the Bible on that), and pushes & profits from foreign chemicals that largely don't work - or worse, harm and kill. Yet believers overwhelmingly trust that system.
Physical and mental illness is rampant and rising. It is estimated that about 80% of Americans are diabetic or prediabetic. (Consider that next time you bring cookies, candy, cakes, Coke, diet soda, & pizza to a Bible study!) In 50 years the autism rate rose from 1/5000 to 1 in 28. Caesarian section rates have risen about 700% since 1970 and are increasing. As are generations of young people adversely affected by caesarian birth who will overwhelmingly suffer later in life from allergies, autoimmune disease, obesity, depression, anxiety, and/or asthma. Children exposed to too many antibiotics have a similar prognosis. Key scientists say that even one course causes permanent irreversible damage that may last generations. (I think there’s something in the Bible on that.) At the young age of 27 years old, the current generation will have lived their healthiest years. More than half of American men are effectively sterile. Genetic counseling and IVF are common. "Medical" assisted suicide, eugenics, and abortion are going mainstream. Transhumanism (computer/human chimera), gene therapy, and gene-altering RNA vaccines are already here. Who is career counseling your young people on these things - the world or the church?
Statins are the trillion-dollar pot of gold for Big Pharma - achieved largely through loosening of diagnostic standards, physician influence, and falsely demonizing cholesterol. Cancer therapeutics are risky and dubious. Maybe that is why they are the only only therapeutic that compensates doctors directly. About 50% of all Americans have taken a prescription drug in the last 30 days. People over 60 are more in the 80-100% range. Percent of persons in all age categories using five or more prescription drugs in the past 30 days is about 13% (CDC data). Drugs like Ibuprofin and antacids are consumed like candy despite being insidiously and permanently harmful -- but these are not even represented on the chart here because a prescription isn't required. These statistics are likely the same in your church as they are outside the walls. Does it matter?
Fasting is Biblical and traditional. Scripture even says, “when you fast”. It doesn't say, “if you fast”. As everything about Creation and God's Word is perfect, not surprisingly, fasting also has the capacity to reverse most diseases. So why is it that few churches and even fewer doctors talk about it? Again and again, we find modern scientists affirming and elucidating the value of many practices - ways - described in the Bible. Biologically, fasting promotes multi-system regeneration of organs and cells, enhanced cognitive performance, and lifespan. Besides ignoring the long tradition of fasting, Americans are adversely effecting their own health. Most Americans are essentially eating themselves to death. Some illness is sheer gluttony (which would never be discussed in church). This is one of many spiritual ironies related to American prosperity. Constant eating damages the digestive system and progressively causes a loss of function. Learn more here.
If believers are not cautious, Science can be an idol and stumbling block. Most Bible-believing churches--in prayer and teaching-- accept and promote sinister paradigms like foreign chemicals as medicine and food. To do this one must overlook and conceal the full & complete truths of health and healing present in the Scriptures. This is likewise true for the order (and answers) God meant to be obvious in Nature. Our Creator himself declared about His work, "it is good". Acknowledging the latter should strengthen both our bodies and our faith. And most importantly it can strengthen our witness. Many people, such as hunters, foragers, terroir-culinaries, herbalists, permaculturists, nature lovers and environmentalists have a huge head start on Romans 1:20. It would be wiser and more productive for believers to love and befriend these people, so they can listen and learn from their progress on Romans 1:20 (seeing God's hand throughout earth), then connect it to Romans 3:23/24 (submitting in faith), and then grow together in appreciation for Genesis 1 (living in His physical order) so they can add to the Kingdom and witness about Ephesians 2 (using Creation as a foundation toward faith).
It is no coincidence that the establishment medical industry is the most profitable in the world, the largest advertising segment, the largest lobbying group, and the largest driver of personal bankruptcy and death. God's perfect design created symptoms. (These are God's alarm bells.) God also created cures. And all of "it was good". (Genesis1)
A few entities like Google & Facebook control thought and define truth. Google can monetize and demonetize you. It can (and does) even delete Christian websites from Search. So it should be no surprise that believers - especially our young people - may be brainwashed. If you understand how Google Search is manipulated, you'll (only) begin to see how much the IT industry is used to mold thought and control behaviour through AI and mass surveillance of the entire human population. Then go further and ask yourself how one immigrant from Russia could rapidly grow an entity like Google/Alphabet that controls the thoughts and habits of the world. To answer that is an advanced exercise in critical thinking and research. Do it.
When money overtakes wellness as the incentive for medical practice, it explains how healing has morphed to profit-centers and symptom specialty segments. It explains how the pharmaceutical medicine industry is one of the largest, most profitable, and most corrupt in America, how unhealthy many "healthcare" professionals are, and how few physicians understand prevention and the traditional practices and natural medicines that genuinely heal. Simultaneously, we have a population brainwashed to spray poison on the healthiest food and medicine plants. Today's pharma-based medical industry was created when industrialists like JD Rockefeller set about to create a high-profit, chemical-based system while they systematically delegitimized and defeated the homeopathic practices used up until that time.
Disinformation and propaganda are still necessary tactics in today's “practice”. The corrupt, fake "heathcare" system depends on a blind and faithful public, and is aided and abetted by systemic corruption of medical journals and scientists in the pocket of Big Pharma. (With not a question from God's people). The golden handcuffs that drug companies place on the media through their extravagant advertising monies assure, not only that their propaganda is constantly visible, but also that negative information is ignored by the mainstream news. Some of the biggest TV advertisers are Big Pharma to the tune of $5.2 Billion for 771, 368 advertisements in 2016. Is this volume of advertising budgeted to merely sell drugs direct-to-consumer?
When we think about how to disciple young Christians desiring a life of healing and medical servanthood, we can direct them to a host of thriving clinics and practice areas that truly heal, avoid pharmaceuticals, and embrace the medicines and healing processes that God created. Here is a fascinating (yet troubling) example.
Womb to Tomb
Present from birth to death, an individual’s microbiome maintains a constant presence as a chimeric organ35–38. Seeding of this microbial system occurs at the beginning of life via transmission of a mother’s microbiome to her infant during the birthing process39–43. Influenced by direct environmental transmission, a delivered infant will inherit either the mother’s vaginal and faecal microbiota as it passes through the birthing canal or the skin microbiota during caesarean delivery39–41. Either route of delivery imposes prolonged multifaceted effects on the infant44,45. Vaginal birth confers a microbiome of the mother’s urogenital system which has undergone specific alterations throughout the pregnancy which are conducive to the development of robust and functional immune and gastrointestinal (GI) systems of the infant42. Alternatively, numerous deleterious health effects for infants delivered by caesarean section have been identified. Immediate influences upon the infant include increased risk of exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria from the mother’s skin 40. Long-term insults to health arising from caesarean delivery include greater risk of developing obesity, sensitivity to food and inhalant allergens, and asthma44–48.
(from: REVIEW Metabolic phenotyping of the human microbiome, Wiley Barton , Orla O'Sullivan , Paul D. Cotter, 22 Nov 2019, 8(F1000 Faculty Rev) https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.19481.1)
Christians should find reassurance in medical research findings like this example above, and desire to make it their life’s work to heal naturally. An entire industry could specialize in preventing and reversing the damage caused by establishment “medical” interventions. Sadly, many Christian healthcare workers and teachers of the Word are so severely indoctrinated, that they are unequipped and unwilling to see the error confronting them, and to open their eyes to the real healing God and the miracle of God’s Creation described in this research finding.
Nothing is "secular". How often do you pray for someone struggling with clinical depression? In the article snippet below, just replace "evolution" with "Creation" as you read it.
The link between the gut and brain has been discussed for centuries, with multiple proposed mechanisms underlying this relationship . These include communication through the vagus nerve , the immune and endocrine systems and microorganism-derived neuroactive chemicals . The relative importance of these routes and how they might interact are unclear, but studies are increasingly documenting effects of gut microorganisms on the brain and behaviour . To describe these relationships, the term ‘microbiota–gut–brain axis’ has been coined. For example, faecal microbiota transplantation in mice can cause the behavioural traits of the recipient to become more like those of the donor . Behavioural effects have also been traced to specific subsets of the microbiota. Evidence suggests that Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species can alleviate anxiety and depressive-like symptoms , including in humans . Particular Lactobacillus species can also improve social interactions in stressed mice and restore impaired oxytocin production and social deficits driven by a high-fat maternal diet . In addition, Bacteroides species have been shown to ameliorate repetitive and anxiety-like behaviours and communicative impairments in mice, seemingly through restoration of a specific bacterial metabolite .
(from: Why does the microbiome affect behaviour? | Nature Reviews Microbiology
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' - Matthew 25:23
How often does it seem that believers aim to end a conversation with retorts like "the world is evil" or “I’ll pray about that”? How often is the promise to pray just an excuse or reflexive answer? How often is the promise to pray, a way to ignore responsibility and sacrifice? How often is promising to pray the "easy way out", in order to just maintain a selfish, busy, sheltered, material, secularized life in a world desperately needing Christ through our work? A “selfish faith” answers every problem with the same answer: “the world is all a product of the fall/ it’s getting worse/ the end times are coming/ thank you Jesus for my own salvation/ I’m ready to die.” That thinking is a twisted version of the Gospel and the etiology of a spiritual disease emasculating churchmen and confusing, misleading, and discouraging vigorous work for the Kingdom here on earth… i.e., The prayerful, sacrificial, mighty obedience of Joshua1 , and the “abounding” or unceasing work described in 1Cor 15 punctuating that chapter in verse 58: Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Further reading:
https://walkwiser.com/f/the-new-world-order-was-almost-complete https://walkwiser.com/blog/f/the-new-world-order-was-almost-complete http://ravenhill.org/prophet.htm
Bill Gates’ father ran Planned Parenthood. The novel coronavirus vaccine is an RNA vaccine and can be used to change our DNA and make billions for Big Pharma. It is also one of many methods including pharmaceuticals to confuse, harm and kill.
We as Christians need to be wise and think differently than others. Ravi Zaccharias just passed away. His ministry was called “let me people think”. Let’s honor him by awakening to what is happening to us and our children and aligning World and Word.
“The Church is the Church only when it exists for others...”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison
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