Wisdom and knowledge matter
Wisdom and knowledge matter
Almost one-third of Evangelicals attend church out of obligation.
Half of all Americans have never read the Bible.
24 of 25 Millennials don’t have a Biblical worldview.
A majority of evangelicals believe that God accepts the worship of all religions
70% of those attending church one or more times a month never share their faith with a stranger.
A Christian is killed for their faith every 6 minutes, somewhere in the world.
Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16)
Consider deception. According to Deuteronomy 32:28, "Without sense, there is no discernment in them". With the help of Satan and the inattention of mankind, even believers are being greatly deceived...
On Planting Churches & Growing Disciples
I am a pastor.
In eighteen years as a pastor and a church planter, one of the most important things I have learned is that churches compromise in the same way that Christians compromise. And the effect is the same. The Church has lost its prophetic voice and its ability to speak to power. We are imperfect, self-involved, distracted and afraid.
... therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. (Gen 3:23)
One area in which I have noticed a major problem is the tendency of the Church and Christians to think of their spirit and their body as separate and independent of one another. Adam made the same mistake. We see this throughout American society and its loss of tradition and "common sense" (God) Ways - e.g., in food, family, work, health, & education.
"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?"
There is a tendency in Christians to relegate their spiritual life to the arena of values, while considering science and the material world to the arena of facts. This is a fallacy that is having major consequences.
Biographer Eric Metaxis writes that "Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an orthodox Christian who, at a grave historical moment during WWII, rejected what he called ‘cheap grace’—belief without bold and sacrificial action. Metaxas reminds us that there are forms of religion—respectable, domesticated, timid—that may end up doing the devil’s work for him. " That is where many Western churches are today. And that is where many Christians unknowingly are.
The articles and VIDEOs below discuss Scriptural application and lessons we are just not hearing about in most Churches today. These are of critical importance to the Christian faith and vital Truth for all, young people especially.
Stirred by Lostness; Engage The Work. Heroes & Troublemakers (Philip Nation)
12 Reasons Millennials are OVER Church
The 7 Obstacles Pastors Face When Helping Congregations Integrate Faith and Everyday Work
Calling: A Biblical Perspective, Free eBook (downloadable e-Book)
Take God’s Side! Become A Dissident In America!
Can the humility and gentleness God desires in us morph to inert, deceived, or acquiescent to evil?
Being Too "Nice"- Is It Compromising Conviction and Truth? (Thought Challenge) The etymology of the word "nice" may surprise you: ca. 1250–1300; Middle English: "foolish, stupid" late 13c., "foolish, stupid, senseless.
Conversations With "Equipping Pastors"
The Challenges College Students Face on Secular Campuses
What Am I Supposed To Do In Life? Defining Success For a Purposeful Life (Pt 3) - Nicholas Pearce
LISTENING TO UNDERSTAND: The Kindness Discipline for Effective Witness And A Spirit-Led Walk
"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry." (James 1:19) (Related Podcast)
Start understanding the Enemy more purposefully. Who are those gods that our God is above (in Ps82, 95, 96, 97)? Here. Here. Unseen Realm by Dr. Michael S Heiser.
ONE Statement Took Her from Homosexuality to God! - Living Waters
Where are the Christians? The War Against Christ by the American Government (Lesson)
Something ominous is happening to men in America and in the Church
- Doug Giles: Driving men away. Effeminate Churches. God Punished His People By Removing Mighty Men From Their Midst. Jesus Calls His Boys SALT, Not Little Sugar Cubes
Through his ministries including www.clashdaily.com, Pastor Doug Giles is confronting Churches - especially men calling themselves Christian - to know and go; to know the culture, and go into the world challenging this culture boldly...to be warriors for Christ not just in prayer and faith, but in action and attitude. Jesus was the great disruptor -- confronting evil and sin in many ways Christians today would find offensive. We forget that, and also base our actions on the finely polished King James English translations of the Word, which guts the confrontational side of the story and exact words of Jesus. In too many ways Christians have become snowflakes like the rest of American society and surrendered.
In his book Rules For Radical Christians, Giles says: "Dear Young Christian: The "tolerant" society in which you live is intolerant of your Biblical Worldview. So whats the young Christian to do? Well, You could huddle together in a Christian subculture and pray that Christ would come quickly and rapture you out of this mess. Or, you could compromise your godly principles, become spiritual chameleons and allow your relationship with God to be governed by CNN. Or, you can become strategically equipped to move into an anti-theistic environment and effectively influence it for the glory of God. "
Doug Giles on "Why Pastors Avoid Politics"
Strong Men Equal Strong Churches, Weak Men Equal Chick Churches
by John MacArthur
Sermon on 1 Corinthians 15:58–16:12 discussing Work, Tithing and and a Life in submission to the Lord.
This lesson and the next video are powerful. Listen.
Accomplishing Your Life's Mission -- From the Fulfilling Your Life's Mission Series by Dr. Tony Evans.
How is your Church body functioning? People on an assembly line perform little parts of a big task, but usually don’t know very much about anything outside their own area. Dr. Evans says that God wants more for us. He talks about the big picture the Lord has in mind for his people on earth.
David Icke: Programming People - Agenda 2030
This is not a Christian speaker, however this is prophetic. This is information absolutely vital knowledge for Christians. You will learn profound Truths of which many Christians are ignoring. This deserves Bible Study and discipleship attention.
See also Bible Scholar Chuck Missler on Transhumanism
Why Is The World Wicked? Divine Rebellions & Their Fallout
Session 3 of a Supernatural seminar series by Dr. Michael Heiser, author of Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World - and Why It Matters.
One Strange Power Controls ALL Agendas, Dr. Gene Kim
Even Fox News watchers do not know most of the Truth happening today. This video explains the Spiritual behind what many of you will be shocked to learn in the coming days about the Powers of Evil of Ephesians 6 in our world today.
Bible Scholar Chuck Meissner Talks Bible Truth
THIS is stunning boldness: Speaking Truth to Power.
Powerful scriptural lessons exist in politics, but how often is Scripturally-based Truth not spoken and public discourse avoided by Christians. This rabbi's words should be an inspiration to Christians too.
- Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s Last Words to an outgoing President Barack Hussein Obama at the Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast 2017. Christians should handle Truth so frankly.
How Did Farming Change From Revered Role, Human Sustenance, and Object Lesson of Jesus' Parables to a Position Utterly Dishonored and Unappreciated by American Society?
Covenant Seminary How Does Your Christian Faith Connect To Stewardship, Farming, and Sustainability?
- Joel Salatin - Author, Teacher, Organic Farmer. Virginia, USA
Are you awake? Or are you in The Matrix?
The United Nations Agenda 21 - and then Agenda 2030 - to control a whole population of the world under one world government had already progressed almost to completion until the 2016 election changed everything. We are at war.
Most Americans use the internet to find health-related information, but Search Engines are biased and extensively filtered. There is a more than a lesson or two here for Christians and medical professionals.
Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Exposes the Search Engine’s Digital Dystopia, Truth Suppression, and Serial Violation of the 2nd Amendment. Discussion addresses widespread deception, organized supression of fact, fake news, technofascism, and horrific health "care" corruption through manipulation of information. This should scare the daylights out of you. If you are a financial beneficiary of the corrupt health care industry, you have an obligation to speak out by revealing Truth and exposing evil.
Is Trump Prophesied In The Bible? Food For Thought and Bible Discussion - Dr. Gene Kim
Creation -- Load it on your phone and share it.
Academic Asserts There is No Way Back for Religion.
Plan a study on this from a Christian perspective and a Church planning/planting perspective. Challenging.
“Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” -Mat19:23-24
Deborah DeGroff: Just How Corrupt Are Kids’ Books? The Socialist (and anti-Christian) agenda notched ahead when the Nation was distracted in the 1930's. This is one outcome.
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