Wisdom and knowledge matter
Wisdom and knowledge matter
One area in which I have noticed a major problem is the tendency of the Church and Christians to think of their spirit and their body as separate and independent of one another. Adam made the same mistake. We see this throughout American society and its loss of tradition and "common sense" (God) Ways - e.g., in food, family, work, health, & education. I was awakened to this problem by the poignant words of Wendell Berry. Berry is not a pastor or theologian, but a farmer and a writer. Nevertheless he is one of the most concise and clarifying voices on the intrinsic costs of industrialized agribusiness. We are reminded of the derivation of the word agriculture, the thing sustaining human life and society based in the soil. Berry eloquently connects the incalculable losses to our society with the voluntary extinction of the family farm, the communities traditionally constituted by family farms, and the death of America, a consequence of the death of the small farming town. What does this have to do with God and Scripture?
In his masterful The Unsettling of America, Berry states,
“Perhaps the fundamental damage of the specialist system—the damage from which all other damages issue—has been the isolation of the body. At some point we began to assume that the life of the body would be the business of grocers and medical doctors, who need take no interest in the spirit, whereas the life of the spirit would be the business of the churches, which would have at best only a negative interest in the body. In the same way we begin to see nothing wrong with putting the body—most often somebody else’s body, but frequently our own—to a task that insulted the mind and demeaned the spirit. And we began to find it easier than ever to prefer our own bodies to the bodies of other creatures and to abuse, exploit, and otherwise hold in contempt those other bodies for the greater good or comfort of our own.
The isolation of the body sets it into direct conflict with everything else in Creation” (p.108).
For he who has ears to hear, Berry hits with the force of a biblical prophet. This “contempt for the body” (p.109) is disrespecting of Creator and simply irrational. Christians await a bodily resurrection, but during our mission here on earth, God gives us a body made "in His image" that He expects to be used wisely and well. It is a shallow faith that ignores the welfare of one’s own body, even for the benefit of the soul. It’s actually a deception that one can truly benefit the soul at the expense of the body. And it needs to be understood that Berry is correct when he draws the conclusion that to undervalue one’s own body, one will necessarily undervalue the bodies of other people and creatures. To some degree, it actually infers our lack of Faith in the Creator and our earthly mission.
God created the world and called it good. We are called to be stewards of His Creation, which means to manage it the way He wants. But since Christians have disembodied their religion, they are dull to the errors of modern agriculture, and much of today’s technological advances. Our souls will suffer the same corruption that the Creation suffers.
We encourage you to find practical applications for all this. Start simply. Change your ways. Reset your worldview. Clean up your habits. Make a list like the one below for your family and Church, and do these things not for carnal purposes, but to honor God's Word and do them to the glory of the Creator, God.
- JM, Pastor, USA
Psalm 19:
1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Romans 1:20
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Genesis 1:1, 31
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.
Traditional family farm
Pictured above: Our "Chicken Nugget" Culture
Is it any wonder that this generation has a lack of motivation and coronary artery disease by early teens, chronic ailments by their twenties, and is expected to die sooner than their parents?
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