Wisdom and knowledge matter
Exposing today's moral dilemmas, deceptions, and disinformation threatening your family, finances, faith, freedom & future
Wisdom and knowledge matter
Exposing today's moral dilemmas, deceptions, and disinformation threatening your family, finances, faith, freedom & future
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
- Proverbs 13:20
John MacArthur wrote that, "Faith is not the abandonment of reason. People who think faith needs to be divorced from our intellectual faculties have in effect abandoned the very possibility of discernment. The notion that logic and sound reason are hostile to faith actually substitutes irrationality for genuine faith. Irrationality and discernment are polar opposites. ...The church today is sadly lacking in discernment, and all too apathetic about the problem. "
- MacArthur Bible, Commentary on Philippians1:9
Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. - Proverbs 18:15
GO with Knowledge...of Christ and the World and ALL that connects the two. It's part of your work. Knowledge helps us see and understand the world around us properly. Many lack profitable knowledge.
Knowledge keeps us safe and well. It prevents us from being tricked, shafted, deceived and taken captive.
Knowledge fuels our ability & desire to lead.
Knowledge enables us to do the everyday work that fulfills our purpose in life on earth.
If you "don't have time" to grow in true knowledge and wisdom, you are captive. Young people often have much knowledge about inane things.
Stay away from a fool,
for you will not find knowledge on their lips
- Prov 14:7
For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge
- 2 Peter 1:5
GO in Virtue.
The physical world is mostly a construct - full of things that look one way but are really another. Bad is good, and good is bad.
Stop your daily routine long enough to re-examine your purpose.
Stop talking about yourself. Listen and allow quiet.
Bless people you don't know.
(Newsflash: You can't know people until you talk to people you don't know. Start now.)
Stop the routines, habits, distractions, frustrations, & material goals that may be governing your life and stopping you from achieving your bigger purpose.
But encourage one another every day, as long as today is called ‘Today’, so that none of you may become hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. - Hebrews 3:13
GO in faith... Faith in even the utterly simplest things.
How much faith do you invest in the stock market, the money system, schools, science, pharmaceuticals, pleasure, electronics, corrupt political proselytism, and the busyness of our world today?
The information bombarding you daily is what others want you to hear - usually low-value, misleading, incomplete or wholly untrue. Choose to be awake or you will find yourself in bondage.
Use the articles on this website to challenge your thought and seek knowledge and wisdom on your own. Think in terms of life purpose, leadership, faith, and the moral consequences of both decision and indecision (which is actually decision).
Ask daily: What is important? What is God's plan for my life? What unique gifts am I equipped with?
What can I do that noone else can do?
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