Wisdom and knowledge matter
Wisdom and knowledge matter
Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves,
so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16)
Consider deception. According to Deuteronomy 32:28, "Without sense, there is no discernment in them". With the help of Satan and the inattention of mankind, even believers are being greatly deceived.
According to George Barna’s research, the majority of American Christians do not believe in the existence of Satan. If Christians predominantly don't believe Satan exists, how can they possibly, "Be sober-minded; be watchful. [As] Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour"? (1Peter5:8)
A denial of Satan's existence is not just an obstacle to a saving faith in Christ, it signals a disbelief in the Bible and ignores the basis for Christ's shed blood. Like pretending there isn't a second side to a coin, or danger in the dark, because you aren't seeing it, Christian Churches are vastly ignoring the margins separating good and evil - a failure to discern the very things that risk our eternal security, a walk in Truth, and a discerning witness. Maybe that disparity is one reason why droves of millennials are "over church" and among those that are left 47% of Christian millennials believe that it is wrong to share one's personal beliefs "in hopes they will share the same faith." You may naively think these worldly deceptions have nothing to do with a saving faith in Jesus Christ, but you would be wrong. And it may be coloring your preaching and strangling your witness. One only needs to remember how Satan works and then look at the state of our Churches and then take stock of how Churches and families are fracturing to discover the relationship. Satan deceived Eve saying, " You surely will not die! " (Gen 3:4) So you say, such a big deal over just a simple piece of fruit?
Facts like these (more here) speak to the spiritual condition of the Body of Christ and grave deficiencies in practical Christianity. WalkWiser Ministries is revealing areas of Biblical application in the realm of Science and Technology that ought to challenge Christians more than it does, including in the Churches on Sunday. By God's grace, Walk Wiser hopes to lead and encourage others to do the same by using the knowledge and occupation experience each of us possess to inform, minister, protect, support and encourage other Kingdom workers.
Even among those who do believe in good and evil, judgement and hell, God and enemy, many Christians in America live, to a larger extent than they realize, according to a secular worldview. Christians are unanimously subscribed to many of the same untruths as the rest of the world, and are often defiant of Truth and don't care to check like a Berean. (See Pietism.) Christians with a Pseudo-Evangelical worldview, live that view in their daily life at the exclusion of God's Way and a thorough faith. When Christians retreat from the culture, they are allowing the institutions of our culture to be occupied and subverted by pagan men. Churches are as encouraging as the world to usher their young into overwhelmingly temporal, pagan tech professions like chemical-based medicine, genetic engineering, industrial agriculture & food, and computer technologies instead of those that more naturally lead to public leadership, moral work, and just societies. Influenced by the Dystopic, utterly false worldview foisted on Americans today by the marketing firms, multinational conglomerate behemoths, corrupt, weaponized tech & medical industries, fake news monopolies, the entertainment psy-op syndicate, the globalist elite, and other literal (Eph6) Powers of Evil, Christians today can hardly imagine a world working like God created it.
Organized non-Christian schools are purposely dumbed down and defeat the imagination, talents and skills of our young. Churches are emasculating boys and men with narrow exposition of Scripture, false eschatology, and messages of piety without purpose -- deliberately (and ironically) shrinking from the thorny matters confronting Christians all over the world today. There is a virtual absence of Christians (and thus Truth) from the "public square" driven by leaders and Churches in fear of confronting current events and stubbornly repeating the same performance-like weekly ritual yet expecting different results... and wondering why the BODY is lifeless. "Worship hour" isn't. American ritualistic "worship" is ordinarily just a few minutes of worship. The hour that bodies are usually assembled consists of a few minutes of sufficient and acceptable prayer (at one Church I attended, only praise is allowed), some praise music (often a variety of "contemporary" that's irreverent, pretentious, and shallow), a 30 minute prepared Bible message always by the same person - however well equipped - from the same giftedness & life view, and a meeting of Body with no interaction or accountability about the lesson. The whole package seems a significant defiance of 1 Corinthians 14:26: What then, brethren? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification. Think about how Jesus taught. He didn't just preach AT people. Nor did He usually preach and leave. He challenged people to think and respond. He answered questions. He reached people in ways that were personal, practical and pertinent.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction
Petitions during worship may include winning at sports or safety on vacation, reasonable prayers perhaps, but also ones that may be revealing a Church's failures and reflecting the self focus and lack of maturity in the Body. Are there petitions from brothers and sisters who have taken up heavy crosses? For Christians being persecuted and martyred for their faith?
Worship folders and prayer chains are replete with prayer requests for healing believers suffering with afflictions of our culture and casualties of the modern for-profit symptom-care system, yet nothing is heard from the pulpits challenging believers on both sides of that system. If you thought I just meant pastors here, you would be very wrong. Is there no one working in these medical industry segments who is Spirit moved in this realm? Or who is so equipped? Who or what might the silent be protecting? Read: An America On Drugs & Dying From It
Health prayer requests beg application lessons from the whole Body so that Christian brothers and sisters can (1) imagine the perfection of the physical World God Created, (2) question the morally corrupt chemical-based food, farming, and sick-care systems today, (3) consider the relevance of wisdom, knowledge and self-control, and (4) personalize the fact that our bodies are temples fundamental to the doing of Kingdom Work.
Christians employed by the corrupt, contrived sick-care industry pray for the sick people sitting in the pew across from them (or who previously did), but remain content, naive and silent about the lunacy of an industry obviously perpetuating illness and broadly ignoring God's commands and a far longer-proven tradition. Those collecting a paycheck at the expense of their brothers and sisters have no excuse for indifference and silence. Churches aren't challenging and begging the right questions either, let alone framing these matters in the context of God's Word and perfect Creation. Faithful Christians finding themselves in corrupt professions must recognize the way God is equipping them for good and then turn to Him for direction, power and leadership.
Where is career discipleship for young people? Certain employers and careers present direct moral conflict. Some are hostile to witness - or simply being a Christian. Many work situations in this day voluntarily leave children parentless (I do not mean military) in favor of money. Categories of modern jobs aid the enemy (e.g., Google, Amazon, CNN). Whole "modern" industry segments are literally subverting American society (e.g., BigAg & BigPharma). All while young people are so often choosing careers in a vacuum without the benefit of wisdom and discipleship from the Body, without clarity about moral compromises they may be unwittingly choosing, and without wise counsel and peer guidance pertaining to personal mission and giftedness. Psalm 90 establishes a beautiful and basic pattern of prayer about mission: "Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should."
How many Churches are preparing their people for mission or choosing (or shifting in) a career that's about God's plan for you instead of about you? How few Christians encourage young people toward public life, yet instead grumble about the state of our Nation and all the dirty politics -- as if that's all new. You'd think studying Law might be a good idea, considering all the Christians hauled into court just for being Christian. When do Churches talk about the doctrine of lesser magistrates? Does your congregation even know what that command stipulates? What would the average male in your Church say if you asked him what he might do to challenge himself a notch higher in mission? What do you say to those who "don't have time" to devote to God, Scripture-reading and personal mission? On the path that many Christians are on, we will some day wake up to a Nero-like world, absent any Christian leaders at all. While from a safe corner at home, some will still be saying, "See, I told you this is where it was all heading."
From The American Thinker, "As many of us well know, these battles are all around us: in bakeries, flower shops, adoption agencies, track meets, libraries, the military, schools (see here for a shocking list of the perversions occurring in K-12 government schools), and yes, tragically, even in the church (Catholic, Protestant, and "born-again" former presidents who teach Sunday school). Thus, whether we desire it or not, whether we are engaged or not, almost every single American has already been touched by this war. " (Reference)
Our life is a world of choices. Based on Matthew 7, it would seem that the whole world is deceived, self-absorbed, and on the wrong (wide) path. Then you read Revelation 18:23 and you can be sure that it is:
... for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your sorcery*.
(Rev 18:23c) "sorcery" translated from Greek φαρμακεία (pharmakeia) [Strong's]
Understanding the great paradox of deception is a key to Christian maturity, and by extension, a fundamental for the health of a Church. We ought to know we are being deceived. So how does a believer know how they are being deceived? And the question must really be "how" and "how much" -- definitely not "if". Why does Scripture command so many times to expose evil and avoid being deceived - and how do we, ourselves, even avoid deception? How is your Church training for the war? How well is it protecting its people? How is that night vision? How does it respond to those bearing prophetic Truth? ...Or have those troublemakers already been thoroughly driven out of your Church?
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it. (Matthew 7:13, 14)
Three gospel writers recount Jesus's great command to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’. In the defense of our faith and discernment about our world, how much do professing Christians consider this emphasis on the mind?
Ravi Zaccharias's program "Let My People Think" is all about the Christian's purpose and discernment in the world for Christ. During his life, Theologian R. C. Sproul had a radio program called "Renewing Your Mind with R. C. Sproul". He once commented that, "As the church embraces more and more secular ideas, and as preachers in their zeal to bring people into the church tell them that God loves them unconditionally, the unbeliever hears the preacher say, 'I don't need to repent. I don't really need Jesus. God loves me just as I am, unconditionally.' And it's not the Kingdom of God; it's more like Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood." Pastor John MacArthur even said of Dr Sproule, "One of R. C.'s most admirable characteristics was his refusal to shy away from difficult doctrines or shape his teaching to suit whatever might be popular or politically correct at any given moment."
Read: A Biblical Foundation for Critical Thinking
The greatest figures in the Bible, and preachers and public leaders in history valued learning. Almost the entire Book of Proverbs was written by one man - Solomon. Today, young Americans get their "Truth" from Facebook and school textbooks while Christians wonder why the world is so confusing and the Bible isn't making sense in daily application. The popular media intend to deceive with false reporting, clickbait, and skewed information -- jumbling Truth to promote, persuade, and propagandize. Journalism isn't journalism any more. Commercial advertising and other marketing tactics are created to fill that void, to dumb and deceive.
Transformation begins in the mind. Paul said in Romans 12:2 "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." We read Scripture and let God shape it in our mind...shape it to our walk. We accumulate knowledge about the world and all the good and evil in it, so to make sense of the Word and apply it using our mind. If we are listening attentively, we can hear the Spirit, even at times speaking through others, so we can have a mind to act on it . We live in an unsaved world with many and diversely minded people. Through the Spirit, we must have the mind to answer wisely to hard questions, choose the best responses to needs, and select the righteous paths in service and leadership and in continual changes for our own life. Use the resources here at WalkWiser to learn about some of the deceptions in our world and continue the exercise in your own Churches.
There are three things many of us have been warned never to bring up in public - religion, politics, and money. If you are doing the Great Commission and witnessing to the world effectively, wouldn't you be often talking about these things? Religion shapes culture, public discourse, and leadership - what is significantly "Politics" in secular jargon, and "Witnessing" in Christian jargon. How we steward money is a pattern of life In Christ. If you think politics is something separate from witness, then the enemy is doing a better job than you are. Politics is the spiritual battleground of ideas and testimony in the "public square". As Christians, we are called to be Truth tellers, and a prophetic voice in our Land. Being insular or apathetic prevents us from fulfilling that call. God calls His people and equips His people to be the first to find and recognize truth - not the last. In George Washington's Farewell Address he cautioned America that "religion and morality are essential to create the virtue necessary to preserve the union", and to, "promote widespread education [because] democracy requires literate citizens that understand the system of governance and take responsibility for themselves". Christians are so often naive and inert on matters of public policy and the conversations of our day. And too content and self-absorbed in their presumption of eternal security through Christ's shed blood. Contentedness is a virtue of sanctification, but a different contentedness is a warning sign of immaturity, or danger sign that the faith is more mind than heart.
Americans are squeemish about Truth. The whole "developed" world has snowflake problem. Yet most of what masquerades as truth and history and politics and news - and even science - is False. The Truth-tellers have been ignored, driven out and rejected --- of schools, governments, and even Churches. Perhaps especially in Churches. 1Thessalonians5 says, "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil." As a barometer of our culture and national direction, what does it mean that today's young people have no interest in public life and are ill equipped - without the fortitude, knowledge and wisdom necessary to lead. In our Churches, do we speak honestly, test everything, and seek counselors who can lend all the gifts God purposed for His Church? Is it possible that Christians in this age are less inclined to lead - or are even averse to leading - because their Churches have uncoupled faith from culture, tradition, discourse, wise leadership, and attention to current events -- what some may term "secular" and "political" things?
The Christian Way is a life of awareness (...In the world), Truth (...through Wisdom), and knowledge (..by Discernment & Reason) based in faith and application of God's Word. One only has to look at all the great leaders in the Bible to see this and the great Christian leaders and missionaries since then. Nehemiah is perhaps the greatest example of prayerful submission and obedient faith materializing a tremendous human feat. It is a beautiful example of blessed Work and the supernatural materialization through the faithful.
“Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
- Mat19:23-24
The Christian Church of the West has a crisis of worldview. The disparity between life and faith among young Christians and in Christian homes and in Christian Churches is palpable. The physical has been partitioned from the spiritual. You can see it in Christian homes and hear it in Christian sermons all the time. Sunday disagrees with Monday, and nobody sees it. The WalkWiser resources can hopefully illuminate some of those areas.
Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you - 2 Corinthians 6:17 ESV
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. - Romans 12:2 ESV
World War II never really ended. Today we see the same evil undermining America.
Research reveals that among Christian families, Faith is inversely proportional to household income. This correlation is consistent with data at the nation level as well - poor and oppressive countries have healthier Churches, greater evangelism, and greater faith.
Think of the narrow and wide roads as you watch what many of our young people in America and other wealthy countries are spending time and money on, talking about, listening to, looking at, excited about, and sometimes even praying for. Watch for the disconnects -- and the justifications from parents, role models, and other adults. Most people recognize there's a problem, but I wonder if the blame many place on "the fallen world" is ignoring things closer to home. Or do Christians sometimes focus on the sinful world out there because they aren't very self-aware? How much are Churches aligning the Word with career-planning and jobs? On kingdom work? On how to take inventory of our loyalties? How much of the distraction today is money and material? How many Churches are meaningfully, practically, contemporaneously talking and teaching about today's distractions and disconnects from Godly Work, Walk and Way? How much is the increasing naivete about our world, culture, and history harming our application of the Word and the values enshrined in the Christian faith? The influences of the world seem to have, frankly, been more effective at tearing down the Body than most of our Churches are at building up the Body. The building up is not just law and gospel, but shepherding people, cultivating workers and leaders, and thoroughly preparing Christians for a world filled with distraction, deception, and cultural assault. The building up of the Church (upper case=people) is hindered by a corporate culture of apathy, a symptom of self-absorption and anemic faith. Maybe these worldly influences are creeping (even flooding ) into our families and homes because it is in our Churches -- unrecognized.
Few are willing to lead. And how can they? Americans both in and out of the Church are enormously unaware and indifferent to the world. Few can wisely interpret the goings-on and conversations of our time - today's "current events" and what many pejoratively term "politics". While they can still have a voice, many have retreated from the world and are neither mindful of the consequences nor the sacrifices that defended their freedoms. If God is not represented in leadership, who and what will be? Must we wonder what will occupy that void? Christians perpetually ask for God to bless America, but really, how much are we suffering for Him that He can bless? Are we taking up space or taking up a such a heavy cross that it only endures with faith and prayer, like Nehemiah's wall.
Be not deceived. - Galatians 6:7a
How can a Christian have a Godly worldview if they aren't "in" the world. Wouldn't that be like pretending you can ride a bike without having even seen a bike before? I don't just mean going to the office and back home. I mean taking up a cross and seeking the Lord's face deep in adversity, in faith we are serving others and challenging ourselves toward greater maturity. Dr. Tony Evans said it well: We may be too comfortable in this world...God's plan for you involves you but it isn't about you. The walk and talk can often disengage - a symptom of not truly KNOWING the Lord in a practical context. Not aware of Truth. Not being in His will and presence. Not being ASSURED that there is a firm truth & sensible (Godly) order. Just not awake. And because of all that, not SUBMITTING to God in FAITH.
How many ways have Churches given the enemy opportunity?
“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father
is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and
pride of life—is not from the Father but is from the world” (1John 2:15-16).
Post-evangelicalism is destroying the Western Christian Church. Among Church leaders we polled prior to starting this ministry, one retired Pastor had a surprising and blunt response. He said, "Pastors are the last people you should depend on for change or to understand this kind of thing." It was a shocking and blunt statement, but as WalkWiser proceeds, it is clear that there is truth to be found in that statement.
Socialism is at odds with religion & religious liberty. 70% of Millennials embrace socialism.
Apathy in America is rampant. A Church I once attended was challenged by the pastor to seek God's vision for the Church according to Proverbs 29:18. There was essentially no response. Nobody seemed interested in the question... nor did they seem bothered by the silence. That is a Church crisis. Might it be a litmus test for the measure of faith - or not - in that community?
“What does this (physical world stuff) have to do with Discipleship?” is one response I heard from a few Christians about the topics WalkWiser addresses. The answer is wisdom, discernment and "Bible application" -- as in, the whole Bible... in work, in family, in public, in Church leadership, in shepherding and protecting. Studies show that "people are leaving the church because “what happens there has no connection to my life.” Millennials who stay in church are four times more likely to say, “My church teaches me how the Bible relates to my field or career interests.” Fortunately, a growing faith-work movement is challenging the sacred-secular divide. " (Reference)
Taking to heart Ephesians 4:12, 16, we've really got to be honest, and ask if our Church body truly is, "for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ", "from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love."
Are our Churches just an audience on Sunday and the rest of week like a mess of loose parts rolling around the bottom of a bucket - or is it a finely tuned machine with many parts properly assembled, knowing & dedicated to their purpose, fitted together, and working harmoniously toward the same end?" Is our mindset consistent from Sunday to Monday? Is it fixed on the world and wise to it? Is it protecting and shepherding? Is it encouraging and celebrating the pure and perfect, the growing and going? And teaching how to know? How much prayer time and God service time comprises our week? There is a "progressive" philosophy that one should spend 1/3 of each day on earning, 1/3 on personal & family, and 1/3 on giving back to community in some way. Wouldn't that be a great pattern for Christians too? When we are gathered, what are we doing to build one another up and worship genuinely together? For example, instead of just handing someone a Bible verse to read aloud, why not challenge someone equipped - or all - to prayer and testimony on that verse before or after reading it? How about listening for those moved by the message? Are we protecting ceremony but sacrificing adoration and expression? If the Church is really functional, then how about celebrating it? Can there be testimony about the thoughts, victories, defeats, and experiences of those in the congregation? How about everyone stepping outside the church building now and then for a 5 minute pep talk and prayer about the "Church" being this group of people, what they do, what they do together and what they do in the world? ... outside the walls? Church isn't about buildings and liturgy and music and money -- the things inside. Yet those are the things that often split Churches.
In the parable of the sower, Jesus ends by saying, "As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.” (Mat13:23)
In conversation with a key leader in a Church I attended, I wondered aloud how our congregation could be more unified and encouraging about Kingdom work and heart for the lost. How could we as a body, be praying and talking and having a collective mind about doing and discipling. The answer was simply, "What are YOU doing?" No matter the intent, the answer ironically missed opportunity and the obvious. It also ignored the work I had just finished -- a discipleship study, actively leading a Boy Scout Troop, and before that founding a vibrant Church in a neighboring town. But that pious mindset is common. Be joyful, and put your head down and pray. I found it heartbreaking during my 5+ years leading a Scouting troop, that not more than one Christian adult in my entire circle of Christian fellowships was willing to appear, talk, teach, camp, or help lead that group of boys - even for an hour. This pattern highlights one flavor of Post-evangelical piety that Christian Churches must resolutely address. And it goes far to explain both the rejection of faith in youth and the crisis in American boys who lack health, heart for servanthood, work ethic, outdoor/male skills, motivation, grades, and vigilance about technology & gaming -- in and out of the Church.
The lack of Godly male leaders , except perhaps in some sports, points to our society's idolization of sports and a crisis for society, families, and the Christian Church. Surely, the feminization and technologization of our society plays a role. Women have become the de-facto moral, spiritual, and societal leaders. Look at TV and Cinema... Wonder Woman, Star Wars, Avengers, and a new female .007. Look at the prevalence of woman leaders in churches, business, scouting, community and government. Look what so-called "ordinary" pharmaceuticals have done to boys. I don't even mean the gender-bending kind. While Christians lampoon the environmentalists scorning bottled water, America's addiction to fast food, convenience packaging, and plastics ingredients have caused sperm counts to drop by 50% and and testosterone to lows that are plaguing men with infertility, depression, physical changes, marital problems, and work issues. Who knows, maybe it's even part of the feminization of the Church and its leadership problems.
Prayer is being cheapened and counseling is too often directed at matters of basic life essentials gone madly awry. It sometimes seems like we're praying for a friend to get out of danger on the railroad tracks while we're standing right there to do something about it. Unfortunately, Church bodies need to be talking about the totality of Scriptural lessons comprising Way, and a life within the context of our Creator's world, Truth and Word. These are part of shepherding, discipleship, and Bible application. Though, there are those who may never see see the Church's burden within the physical unless the enemy arrives in chariots.
God's ways are not the world's ways, and one of our jobs as Christians is living that and being wise at discerning truth. We all think we are, yet it is so easy to gradually get caught up in the world and then captured by it, that one thinks they are doing OK but aren't at all. And then they become ensnared in bondage and don't know it. We all have blindspots. We are all broken. What are YOU missing? What is God trying to tell you that you have not been hearing? The paradox of deception is not just unawareness, but confidence that there isn't unawareness.
God's order is not "the world's" order. God's truth is not "the world's" truth.
As a scientist, I see a 5000 year legacy of societies that studied and systematized God's order and all parts of His Creation (true "science") in a manner consistent with Romans 1:20. Over millennia, mankind had accumulated rich traditions of food, medicine, social order, art, and agriculture, that any one of those should give us awe at the Creator. Unfortunately, the "developed world" has, in an historical instant, pretty much discarded that legacy to the four winds in order to satisfy greed and carnal desire. Are humans really advancing or degenerating? Today's applied "science" is deconstructing tradition (and Truth/fact) in favor of literally creating an entire new order, a new systematic, and new powers over people and things, consistent with Romans 1:21-32. Today, we call much of this "Technology", and it has captured the minds of our next generation. Churches aren't meaningfully talking about it and are undiscerning about young people's career choices in this dark world.
In 1John 2:15, God cautions us to not love the world - not to get too comfortable here. Yet we can see that comfort and world have become all-consuming for most Americans. We can all plainly see many ways "the world" has captured the hearts and minds of people through Technology, especially the young with the approval of the elder. And there are also many ways we are blind to it. In the Christian Church, this appropriation is effectively being ignored. One may hear lots of gentle, nebulous words, but not see much doing; not much convicting. Discipleship is failing-- or not happening at all. Churches are addressing Why, but not Who, What, How or When. Many young people are unaware that they are shifting their trust from God to this new "Science" discipline -- Technology. And in Christian Churches, it is being blindly approved and the young congratulated for embracing it instead of Churches exorting and guiding -- as our succeeding generations invest hours, days, weeks, and whole lifetimes immersed in Technology, much of which is false, destructive, pagan, and corrupt even according to common secular thresholds such as law.
I think God asked us to work with our hands for a host of reasons. Not doing so distances us from God and all that he created. Think about the bondage of Technology and its consequences when you compare the average American to the 12 year old Amish boy leading a team of draft horses cultivating a field, or the atheist, environmentalist market gardener devising ways to grow a million dollars of poison-free crops sustainably on just a few acres of land. Have you ever given thought to the scriptural Truths of permaculture? Who's honoring God again? Whose life will endure in time of war? Who can survive an EMP attack? Or power grid failure? Whose children are physically and mentally ready to defend our Country? Which families are together most and most meaningfully? Which family is, "By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground" (Gen3:19)?
The mission of WalkWiser is to reveal the deceptions of today, promote discussion and prayer,
and continually provide evidence all Christians can use to awaken, see and root out the deception around us. It is prevalent and extreme, and we need each other to avoid it.
This information is not here to generate fear, but rather to awaken, inform, motivate, and to clarify how perfect God's Word and world really are. We caution you against using our information to heighten the fixation of many believers about end-times prophecies, which we believe is corrupting witness, deceiving leadership, and neutralizing men.
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son" (Mark 13:32).
We believe the unusual end-times fervor is a result of fear, confusion, hopelessness, and timid leadership. Satan loves to neutralize, discourage and confuse.
Stop loving the world and the things that are in the world. If anyone persists in loving the world, the Father’s love is not in him. (1 John 2:15)
End-times suppositions also appear to be blinding many to the spiritual Great Awakening and epic legal, moral, and geo-political reset happening today. God is blessing America in extraordinary ways and many aren't even awake enough to see it! Incredible evil is being conquered and many Evil Rulers are being neutralized and rounded up en masse. Praise the Lord!
Our mission for Christ must remain the same regardless of when Christ comes again. Our "Abounding in the work of the Lord" (1Cor15:58) must remain constant regardless of when our own life ends - which could be today, tomorrow or whenever God calls us home - irrespective of the second coming of Christ.
The Church must sharpen skills of her people through discipleship. Pastors and Teachers need to reveal scripture application far more maturely, practically and specifically, rather than just nebulously referring to "the world", sin, Satan, deceit, being an example, and "living the Way of faith" (etc). The topics on this website expose the cutting edge of spiritual warfare in our time... hence, our time's moral, cultural, political and truth divides. Christians need to be awakened to Truth and trained practically in apologetics - and reminded of the genuine Ways of God, including wariness, boldness and discernment.
Discipleship, like other human skills, requires guidance and practice. It's not a go-it-alone exercise. In fact, John Wesley's famous question, "How is your Doing?" has just such an aim. As we are able to more acutely recognize the enemy, the truth of God all around us becomes clearer, as does our role as workers for Christ. Sadly, things have gone so far awry, that it can be difficult to affect change even in our Churches. Men especially must be encouraged to step up and witness for Truth using the gifts and experiences for which they have been uniquely equipped. They need to be moved first from a (lower case) "church"mentality (building, grounds, hardware) to a (upper case) Church mentality (people, body, Spirit, mission, heart-ware). Guided by Spirit and faith and Church family, this how Salt and Light becomes a natural Way.
Faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today—to love the Lord your God and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul (Deut 11:13)
Then came 9/11, the Patriot Act, and the Middle East Wars. 6951 US military died + >1M others.
Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. (Matthew 22:36-40)
The great commands in Matthew 22 are the basis for all our thoughts and actions in life. Yet adding to faith, knowledge and discernment are crucial tools we, as Christians, need to avoid deception, and to grow in maturity and effectiveness here on earth. Through natural and supernatural, we become wise to deception on one hand, while gaining in wisdom and Truth and appreciation for the order of our Creator on the other.
Application challenge: How can we continuously make real the deep, discerning application of Paul's exhortation for today's world: Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8)
I believe that one way we grow in discernment and wisdom is simply applying that Biblical calling to love and be in the world, especially when it is OUTside of our comfort zone interfacing with many different people. Do you have enough view of the world to preach on worldview? Do you understand enough about current events and contemporary deceptions? Are you awake and learned about today? What are the things most challenging youth today? We need to connect the Scriptures to every segment of life as we teach and disciple. Technology and the arts/entertainment are modern threats. What is the Bible saying on those things?
A good example is the entire Disney empire. Likewise the fashion, Hollywood entertainment, and related industries. The sex slave system begins and ends to serve the elite including the government leaders who foster and protect it. See this link and this link and image right >>>
A Christian worldview is seeing everything around us each day in the context of God's Word, God's perfect Creation, and God's will for us. That worldview is necessary for Christians to walk wisely, be more confident and joyful, apply and defend the faith practically, and engage the world in witness more effectively. In this deceptive world, what we assume is true and take for granted as "everyday" truths may not at all be Truth.
While Christians huddle together and talk nice, there is a waiting God with real crosses for us and a waiting enemy to deceive and defeat us. Are you doing anything for God that the enemy thirsts to defeat? Author and pastor Doug Giles, challenges, "Would God get wrapped around the axel about a mean tweet, a cigar, or saying ‘sh*t’ in a sentence? No. And if his Church is more concerned about someone being a ‘pottymouth’ than they are about their neighborhood, city, and nation sleepwalking to Hell, we’ve got bigger problems than we think we have."
Let's talk about wine. Why? Because alcohol consumption is a divisive issue in Churches and it shouldn't be. Jesus made wine and drank wine. While sober Christians obsess and bicker over prohibition, far bigger matters loom - threats far more germane to Christian work today. The wine debate simply distills down to two stubborn facts - the heart of the advocate and the Word. Simple as that. And Scripture is unambiguous about too much wine. Like many things in the physical, a Christian may advocate for liberties or restrictions, but it often hinges, not so much on Scriptural command, as it does on personal conviction and the "heart" motivating it. Here is a very solid study defining the line defined in Scripture between the right and wrong of wine.
If you are an abstainer, do you know why God calls wine a blessing (Ps104)? The Bible clearly allows consumption of naturally fermented beverages containing alcohol -- apart from abuse and over-enjoyment of it. There's not much to debate there. Fermented foods were common in all of history worldwide before refrigerators, so they couldn't be avoided. Apart from just custom, there is abundant modern knowledge affirming Paul's reference about a little wine as medicine. As you read Paul's words, consider Creation, history, natural order, and human health. Wine was one of many methods used for preserving food and sometimes to enhance the nutritional value of food. The human gut contains more symbiotic bacteria, fungi and viruses than cells of the human body. These organisms confer about 70% of one's immunity and contribute chemicals (like 5-HTP) that are an absolute requirement for normal brain function. A loss of gut flora diversity is possibly the largest driver of psychiatric and other chronic illness today (e.g, depression, anxiety, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's). Consuming a variety of fermented foods maintains gut health and thereby brain and body health. Fermentation was a common method of preservation when and where there was no refrigeration. Wine also contains powerfully beneficial chemicals: polyphenols like resveratrol and quercetin, in addition to anthocyanins, procyanidins, ellagic acid, catechins, and others. Personally, I don't really care for wine. But I think it's a great object lesson.
Consider this too:
Article: Smoking Cigars, Offensive Language, and The Church
Video: here
Ligonier Ministries wrote, "[an] experience caused me to reflect on the importance of discernment and the lack of it in our world. We know that people often do not see issues clearly and are easily misled because they do not think Biblically. But, sadly, one cannot help reflecting on how true this is of the church community, too. "
Distraction by artificial things stems from the Post-evangelical orthodoxy that has replaced the thorough application of the Word and a Church culture in which our duty to live and teach the whole counsel of God is denied, de-emphasized, and often derided. About 80% of Americans say politics are the biggest source of stress in life (reference). Is that a reason to avoid it or confront it? Much of the perceived chaos in the world today is explainable and should be perceived by the faithful who care to go out and look, as a calling, to see, understand, and Biblically interpret the world around us. Very much of the chaos is directly attributable to the apathy, ignorance and absence of Christians in the world and in leadership.
How often is the idle chant "the world is evil," just an excuse for Christians to maintain their busy, sheltered, secularized lives in a world desperately needing God's Truth. This pattern of blindness by Christians is a key area on which WalkWiser seeks to inform. As should all of you -- from the perspective and experience ("walking legs)" of the Spirit-driven mission each of us is given in life. To be Christian is to be far more conscious and intentional than the world is (cf: 1Thess 5:21-22) across all aspects of our physical life.
Faith > Virtue > Knowledge > Self-control > Steadfastness > Godliness > Brotherly affection > Love (1Peter1:5-7)
The many deceptions in this world create a challenge for teachers. As you read the resources on this website, I think you will see that deception is far greater and more proximal than even you, as Church leaders, might imagine. And let's face it, that is what deception is, and that is how Satan rules the world (2 Corinthians 4:4). This is just one reason why God's command of working together as a Body is so vital to the health of a Church family and all its fruit. [Likewise, if you see any error or ambiguity here on this site, kindly let us know your suggestions or corrections.]
How can we work as a "body with many parts"? Let's talk about the apathy and spiritual laziness that underlies the deception and compartmentalization which has created the withered Body that too many Churches are. WalkWiser Resources and Challenge Catalysts are discipling tools to spur thought, discussion, work, and prayer in your Church. Take WalkWiser's examples and apply them in your Bible study, your Church, your family and your life. Go. Serve. Do something uncomfortable. Set a goal to conquer apathy and deception with Truth by raising the bar of Bible application and greater practical awareness of the good and evil in the world. We have heard many well-meaning sermons, based on sound doctrine, that failed or misled based on wrong facts or an unrecognized secular worldview. I wonder if Churches are expecting pastors and sermons to do all the work. I wonder if we sometimes let young Christians stagnate or wither by not challenging them and asking them to step up and do something greater spiritually. The Holy Spirit is capable of changing even the most callous mind and moving the most resistant person. Those with prophet motivations and creative or disruptive ideas may be ignored instead of cultivated through discipleship.
What is the common thread in Scripture about following Him and choosing a changed life? Building conviction about basic heart issues like selflessness or gratitude is more likely to happen when people experience others in need and follow the example and testimony of the more mature. Going into the world that is desperately in need of Truth and the power of God working through His people is essential and should be encouraged.
John MacArthur wrote that, "Faith is not the abandonment of reason. People who think faith needs to be divorced from our intellectual faculties have in effect abandoned the very possibility of discernment. The notion that logic and sound reason are hostile to faith actually substitutes irrationality for genuine faith. Irrationality and discernment are polar opposites. ...The church today is sadly lacking in discernment, and all too apathetic about the problem. " (MacArthur Bible, Commentary on Philipiansl1:9
Based on interviews with 601 Senior Pastors nationwide, representing a random cross-section of Protestant churches, Barna reports that only half of the country’s Protestant pastors – 51% – have a biblical worldview. “The most important point,” Barna argues, “is that you can’t give people what you don’t have. The low percentage of Christians who have a biblical worldview is a direct reflection of the fact that half of our primary religious teachers and leaders do not have one."
Staying alive should be a pretty basic priority for Christians. It often isn't.
The Barna Group and a few other sources have published numerous surveys about American culture and the difference between the born-again Christian segment of the population. Data consistently shows little difference between the two groups. George Barna's research revealed, for example, that just 9% of all born again adults and just 7% of Protestants possess a biblical worldview. Across many measures of morality, faith, service, giving, and self-oriented behavior there are only small differences between Christians and the general American population. Born-again Christians are more likely to volunteer for their church, yet they are no more likely than average to help the poor or homeless. Self-indulgent behavior is common in both groups. Measures of moral behavior, marital health, self-oriented behavior among born again Christians compared with national norms were similar.
Sadly, born-again Christians are the least conservative of natural resources, by such measures as metal and plastic recycling. Perhaps we can conclude from this that only "the liberals" naturally recognize that a convenience culture , leisure lifestyle, and carelessness about Creation are in conflict with God.
For Christians who disdain the "radical environmentalists", and there are many of you, it would be far wiser and more productive to love and befriend them, so you can listen and learn from their progress on Romans 1:20 (seeing God's hand throughout earth) while you perhaps share Romans 3:23/24 (submitting in faith), and then grow together in appreciation for Genesis 1 (living in His physical order) so you can witness about Ephesians 2 (using Creation as a foundation toward faith). Start here.
Meanwhile, Churches can never lose sight of the need for constant encouragement to battle the enemy closer to home; the constant struggle against sin we all share. There is always a need for humble self-assessment. Self-destructive habits, self-involvement, and discouragement are destroying (not only) our young. We must challenge together and in love. We must be open, aware and active about the problems gripping people today. Encouraging testimonials during worship time would encourage the Body in ways sermons alone may not. Like Jesus spoke to the woman at the well, we all (as a body - not just from the pulpit) need to be awake and candid and humble, correcting and restoring in love. We are all filthy sinners. (Do we really need Paul to remind us?)
About 41% of male practicing Christians (and a large swath of women) are frequently consuming porn, while 56% of teens and young adults view “not recycling” to be more immoral than viewing pornography. World events are confusing and unsettling. Everybody is an expert on climate change but nobody really knows anything. Government corruption is corrupting downward. Education has turned into indoctrination. So young people know almost nothing consequential (or truthful?) in order to apply the Word of God. More and more young people are chronically ill. Young Christians are blindly entering careers rife with danger, untruth and corruption. So, what do Churches do? Hopefully your Church isn't a, "Well, it's a fallen world" Church. Of course it is, but thank God you are not living under Nero's rule. If the kinds of topics on this website aren't getting talked about in a Biblical context in Churches and families - is it any wonder the flock is confused, lukewarm, and scattered? The scope of Bible application and discipleship must really grow. What Church today is preaching or discipling on career choice and leadership? How many Churches are doing any meaningful discipleship? ...Let alone shepherding a distracted and scattered flock.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12 KJV Example. Example.
What about genuine love for the lost? Are Christians peddling Jesus or answering the needs of the lost? Is witnessing without love, and faith without discernment (practical faith/wisdom), inauthentic to the unsaved? A Barna study about faith conversation partners, "points to a stark gap between who non-Christians want to talk to about faith and the Christians they actually know." I think this begs the same question as the finding above for pastors: Are Christians not bearing fruit because they are inauthentic in their Ways and witness? Perhaps we're too often talking "at" people instead of loving people, building authentic relationships, and talking "with" people. Or worse, maybe we are grossly alienating non-Christians, because there is lack of heart, humility, and Truth - truth applicable to real-world problems i.e., spiritual wisdom.
Imagine how Solomon was admired for his wisdom and people flocked to him. Look at Ravi Zaccharias and other great teachers today. They welcome challenge and debate because they have confidence in the power of Truth and Spirit.
We live in a PC world. Who is influencing the people in our society today, including youth in your church? Is your church clarifying issues and discipling wisdom? Or is your church preaching that God can bless anything while you are tacitly encouraging young people to make worldly life choices and choose morally risky careers that just pay well and merit societal status?
How much are motivational gifts and seeking to know the Lord's will a part of your congregation's Credo, Culture, Conversations, and Counseling? See our blog page on risky careers, especially in computer technology.
Everyone is encouraging young people toward "good professions" by which most mean medicine, computer programming, etc. Who's encouraging young people to lead in our society? Who is encouraging them to lead for Christ in arts and entertainment? To see teaching as more than a secular role? People constantly pray for God to bless America. Isn't God already blessing America - and waiting for us to step up?
God is blessing America in extraordinary ways right now. Are you paying attention? Are you teaching from the lessons of our age? There is a great, global, geo-political reset and a Great Awakening happening now that Christians must be aware about, praying about and participating in. This is an amazing time to witness.
Read: Trump asked 50 Christian leaders to cram into the Oval Office & pray for him
How much do you know or care about the affairs of today? That's literally what "politics" means. Most Americans can't even name the 3 branches of government, let alone talk about policy debates that directly affect them! Can you meaningfully talk to people about the thorny issues dividing our country? They always pivot on Truth. Can you speak wisely and discerningly about common matters of conversation at the local diner, and be able to connect it to God, Creation, and His Word? Or do you subscribe to the notion that you don't talk about money, religion and politics? It's awfully hard to do The Great Commission if that's your thinking. Pretty much anything of significance in life hinges on money, politics, and religion. If that's where you are, you have backed yourself into a dangerous corner of spiritual ineffectiveness.
With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints. (Ephesians 6: 7-18)
Isn't truth (and the armor of faith) the antidote to broken people, a fallen world, and corrupt politics? That's God. Truth is God. Every - every - kind of truth is God. And untruth....deception... is what? From Creation to Salvation. Jesus was always the greatest disruptor and truth-teller.
Avoid "Politics"? Do it at your own peril.
Faith is not an excuse for Surrender or Unawareness.
Who do you trust? What do you trust? Faith is what you put your trust in. Our spending and parenting decisions, our conversations, our moral awareness at work...all of daily life depends on this internal sensibility, Our individual WAY is based on faith, spirit, wisdom and discernment - and we have it or don't have it, and use it or don't use it every day.
There is no neutral.
Responding about pastors being involved in politics and commenting about specific candidates, Pastor Robert Jeffress responded, " the reason that our country is in the shape that it is in right now is not because of non-Christians, but it is because of apathetic Christians who have seceded control of this country to godless, immoral infidels." He continues, "There are anywhere from 50 to 80 million evangelical Christians in America. Only one-half of those Christians are registered to vote. And of the one-half who are registered to vote, only half of those voted in the last election. And if Christians would understand that we have a biblical mandate to stand up for righteousness and to push back against unrighteousness, we could change the direction of this country overnight. ...I do not understand what kind of theological system out there would allow Christians to fall asleep at the wheel and to say it's OK for unbelievers to run rampant and cease control of the country."
How awake are people in your Church to local, national, and international matters? How do you know what to pray for? Or what prayers are being answered? In today's modern world, what happens across the globe in the Middle East may be related to something happening in your town today and something God is calling you to do.
"Politics" is just a reflection of the culture. Are you running from it or wise to it? For example, it's important for me (as believer, voter, parent, citizen, etc) to know that the political conversation about the American border crisis has nothing to do with compassion but much to do with unspeakable evil, political corruption, greed, crime, drugs, people traffi#^ing (I won't spell it out), defeating law enforcement, and danger to my family right in the area where I live 1000+ miles away. Are you aware of the UN document (here) detailing the globalist plan for replacement migration and no borders?
What the border debate is really about.
Similarly, as a parent and professional in the medical field, it is important for me to know and understand what medical advances are for cure, and which or only for profit ...and how or if products and technologies align with God's Creation and God's Word. Christians should be working as a body with complementary gifts, skills, experiences, educations, etc. That's part of teaching, shepherding and discipleship. Parents need knowledge and discernment to make wise healthcare decisions and ask good questions, today more than ever. For example, it could be helpful to know that even one course of antibiotics (and other chemical "medicines") can permanently alter the course of a child's life and, with high certainty, set them up for chronic ailments later in life by wiping out the symbiotic organisms living in the human gut. Research indicates that communities of gut microorganisms conferring immunity and manufacturing essential nutrients in mammals are passed down maternally from ancestors going 10 generations back. There is not Scripture that directly applies to this scientific fact, however there is a pattern in Scripture and several dozen verses clearly connecting iniquity in parents with consequences in succeeding generations. Remember that God created man in his image, "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." (Genesis 1: 27, 31) In her book, “Total Truth”, Nancy Pearcey talks about the fact/value split that most Christians possess. Meaning, we see faith as a “value” and science as a “fact,” not understanding that it creates inconsistencies in our thinking and cognitive dissonances. Unfortunately what we truly believe comes out in our behaviors.
As I travel, I have a difficult time finding healthy Christian Churches that are correctly handling the Word of Truth (2Timothy2:15). In addition, most worship in America today is geared toward performance and emotional engagement. How many Churches are clearly preaching the salvation message AND truly challenging congregations to "Go!", living physically and spiritually aligned lives? Americans in and out of the Church are doing some very foolish things. In the vacuum of apathy, naivete, and a confused faith, the influence of an immoral, self-involved, material culture are allowed to co-opt and corrupt.
How many Churches have hierarchical systems that rarely, if ever, work in unity in the Body of Christ (as in 1 Corinthians 14:26, and Proverbs 15:22) or stay accountable to that command? How many Churches in America today are doing any form of "teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom" (Colossians 3:16, truly shepherding) or patterning worship after 1Corinthians 14:26 "When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up."?
"So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues. But all things should be done decently and in order." (1Cor 14:39, 40)
In small Churches throughout America, a single man, on a single mission, with a single set of gifts, and a single life perspective is struggling to relate to all the other kinds of people - and usually not functioning with counsel and accountability from other leadership or from the body. How do most of today's Churches in any way resemble the verse below from Ephesians 4:11-13? To be true to His calling, there should be far less gardening in front of church (common noun) compared to spiritual tending within the Church body and outside.
"He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ; until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ"
How many Christians are conscious about lining up the Word with the World? How many people today actually care about much beyond their next dollar earned and dollar spent online? How much are Christians interested in vital learning that will help them "Go" versus knowing stuff that's temporal and carnal, like entertainment, leisure, technology, shopping, and "pro" sports. How often do you see apparel markings and bumper stickers promoting sports teams versus advertising Christ? And are those advertising their faith living out what they advertise?
See our page about TRUTH to start thinking about how deceived humans today really are. The state of faith and discernment in Christianity today calls us to measure our faith by our selflessness, awareness, going, doing, discipleship, learning, & love for your neighbor.
Be salt and light to the world. Be wise in both the Word and the World so you are not deceived, and so you know how to apply Scripture in daily life and leadership whether it is parenting or pastoring. In doing so, together in faith, you will always be ready to pray, preach, and perish.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. (1 Corinthians 15:58)
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